Ta Daaa....I managed to get 15oz per session la!! Awesome!! This show the Power of Mind + Midnight Pumping!
And the best thing is my supply is getting better everyday. Here are 3 photos i've taken during midnite pumping
- 12oz persession at 3.00am (20.11.12)
- 13oz persession at 5.00am (04.12.12)
- 15oz persession at 3.00am (07.12.12)
Ini semua guna hand pressed saja ya. I never use manual or electrical pump anymore since i'm NOT Rajin to wash pumps. hehe. Lalalalala... happy indeed! Alhamdulillah! I will definitely continue pumping at midnite again tommorow. Wonder why is pumping during nite time is so crucial in increasing supply? It is because our hormone prolactin is higher during this time (hormone yang menghasilkan susu). Therefore, it is the best time for mommies to do nite feeding or Power Pumping. Rugi kalau tak buat tau! :)
Since i'm a 99% EP mom (Dulu 100% EP, now Rayhan dah semakin pandai Direct Latch) so i tak ada lah jadual mengepam yang spesifik. Cuma saya akan mengamalkan tips ini secara konsisten :
- Pump every 2-3 hour daily. Don't skip pumping or drag longer period. It will decrease your supply!
- Take 3-4 liter water daily (i take 500 ml every after pump)
- Take supplement ESP + Alfalfa after pumping (3 times daily)
- Make doa to Allah everyday to grant me more nutritious and sufficient breast milk for both my sons.
- Pump during midnite is always the best! Keep on pumping even though just pump angin (pump kosong)
Remember " More Demand, More Supply". If you think your supply has drop a little, quickly grab your pump and do Power Pumping for 1 hour. (pump 10min each breast then rest 5min and pump again 10 min each breast. Do it for 1 hour & Massage in between too ya). InshaAllah, try do this for a week and you will see the difference. :)
Ok mommies.. Keep positive thinking, less stress, stay happy and enjoy breastfeeding ya! Hugs hugs.
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